Michael Smedshammer
![Michael Smedshammer](http://directory.yosemite.edu/photos/smedshammerm.jpg)
I am the Distance Education Coordinator for Modesto Junior College. I train our faculty how to use Canvas and how to teach online courses.
I am from Santa Rosa and went to Santa Rosa Junior College before transferring to Berkeley. I have a Ph.D. in English from the University of New Mexico where I studied modern (1900-1945) British and American literature. I taught English at MJC from 2000 to 2012, when I became the Distance Education Coordinator.
I like to follow the Giants in the summer, Warriors in the winter, and play golf. I also enjoy attending my kids' sporting events and backpacking with my family. I serve as a Hearing Board Member of the Northern San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, where our job is to adjudicate appeals to air quality regulations. I like to cook. I fish a little, too.
Courses I Teach
Web Sites
Downloadable Files