Dr. Amit Lal

Amit Lal
Instructor of Computer Information Systems
Technical Education, Career, Community Education, Community & ED
Center for Advanced Technology 249


Dr. Amit Lal, Professor of Information Systems, believes in the transformative power of education, especially when blended with cutting-edge technology. A genuine desire to empower students is at the heart of his teachings in technology, information systems, and Business Analytics. He aspires to impart knowledge and kindle a lifelong passion for continuous learning, especially in our swiftly changing world.

From his early days in computer animation to his profound expertise in management information systems, networking, security, and data analytics, Amit's journey has always been fueled by curiosity and innovation. His enthusiasm for technology is palpable, and he treasures every opportunity to share this zeal with his students.

Amit is currently on an exciting venture into the realm of Virtual Reality. He envisions reshaping the landscape of education in Business Analytics and Information Systems. By weaving in this avant-garde technology, he hopes to create a vibrant and immersive learning experience that brings lessons to life.

Amit cherishes his interactions with industry pioneers and tech aficionados outside the traditional classroom. This synergy ensures that Modesto Junior College remains attuned to the pulse of technological advancements. Thanks to Amit's commitment, the college has emerged as a hub of innovation, bridging academia with real-world applications.

Amit warmly invites students and colleagues to join him on this journey of exploration and innovation. His dream is for Modesto Junior College to be a place of learning and a community where everyone's potential can truly shine.