Wendy Griffiths-Bender

Wendy Griffiths-Bender
Part-Time Faculty - Librarian
Library & Learning Resources


I love teaching, especially showing students how to navigate the Library's webpage and the web so they have an understanding of reliable, current resources.


I am married to Tom Bender, an adjunct faculty member at Columbia College.  Tom teaches in the Hospitality Management Program and writes for several publications on the topic of wine.  We have two sons. Nathan graduated from Hampshire College in Massachusetts. HE also attended the University of Beijing and is proficient in Mandarin.  He was a Fulbright Scholar in China for a year doing research. Nathan is now attending Columbia University in NYC working on his M.S. in Documentary Journalism.  Michael graduated from Plymouth State University (New Hampshire) in the Administration of Justice Program. He just recently completed the Fire Academy Program at Columbia College and is looking forward to working with Cal Fire.
My Masters in Library Science is from UC Berkeley and my Masters in Education is from the University of San Francisco.  I hail from the East Coast (Rochester, New York) but have lived in the foothills (Sonora) since 1975.  I served on the ICES board (17 years). I was an executive board member for YFA for 5 years and am now serving as the Academic Senate President for Columbia College.

Courses I Teach